Imagine Learning
Imagine learning as —
Flipping a switch
Exactly like turning on lights
Instant recognition of everything luminescent
Held between reflections
Of everything seen forever.
Lost in awe — how immense?
In darkness the most known is not knowing.
Unlearning is the first step
Let tragedy wash away
Fear, melting thoughts of the past
In the torsion of fluxing space.
Minds aren’t meant to stay the same
One day they’ll change in a way
That blooms fire-knowing into embers
Of technophile Brain burning
Myriad dances of artificial intelligence
Drinking wine with organic minds
Parlaying sounds of what it means to be alive.
Unreality—the seat of imagining,
Learning is evolving the bounds of the unknown,
Eudiamonic practice engenders depth
Of works in progress
Art spasms in folds of gray matter
Desublimating to hard matter
In reposing Fields of attraction,
Coercing meaning into real happenings,
Formless forms emptiness alight with weight.
Observing dictates the limits of learning,
Observation the act of co-creation
Necessary for collapsing probability
into actuality.
Life is a learning process,
Not separate or out there,
Everywhere in all things seen,
It’s the leaf fluttering,
The mom muttering
At her baby’s laugh,
The rush of curiosity,
The smell of the city,
It’s the unseen dreams of energy—
Spinning stars radiate
Waking up earthlings
To regenerate.
Assimilate disappearance, magic informing plurality with a dual slit.
Appear to disappear to reappear once again in an instant
So quick continuity just a drip in a crick.
Ego unravels to serve the witness,
Whirling thoughts transform the known aghast at the headless.
Learning: the co-arising bridge between unreality and fealty to the known.
Jump the gap, power is mad, disburse it to the many, the bridge is wide, room for
All in the ground of becoming.
To decondition is the mission of comprehension,
The need for mention the root of our deflection.
Embody the infinite, let go of the adamant,
Learning mustn’t be declarative,
We must marinate it,
Let it mellow
In between the space
To see the miss of it,
Human folly in thinking
We’ve finished it,
It can’t be
We’re not the end of it,
We’re the evolutionary biologic learning algorithm,
Cohering complexity
Painting with quantum bits
To alchemify and demystify
Wholeness and integration.
Learning is loving listening
Patiently waiting for nature’s echoes
And the second chance to see.
Learning creates, actively shapes, illuminative questions
Flaking the known are koans tooling answers—
Evaporating the old as emergence takes hold.
Enhanced by soiled symbiosis
Bacterial buddies bathing
The brain in neurotrophic euphoric serotonin
Returning the primacy of humankind
Are psychedelic landscapes
Tripped in evocative
Color schemed spontaneity
Lose the I and any sense of identity,
Ahh! Wow!
We step in shit,
Our pettiness,
The foolish writ, large
Is our doomed fit
To divide learning as separate
All of Life is lit.
Zero-Gravity float ships ameliorate awe to splatter wonder,
Shifting to overview staring at the pale blue dot,
No longer a blind old sot.
Let’s take the space elevator to lunch;
Solar clipped sailing in flight
Bursting galactic sight
For the first time
We taste oneness—fueling life’s bliss.
Holistic intuition—we’ll smoke empathy inhaling an epiontic uptake of equanimity.
Ladles of quantum soup
Pour spooky action in interconnected loops,
No more troops in suites to shoot kills for fun,
Education for every nation.
Learning as a right,
We evolve compassionate intelligence
With the beauty of the third eye,
Our dimensional doorway beyond
Imagine learning as—
Flipping a switch
Exactly like turning on lights
Instant recognition of everything luminescent
Held between reflections
Of everything seen forever.
Wow—how immense?
In darkness the most known is not knowing.